My Nadi Project

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Nadi Project

One of the best ways for the Malaysian Indian community to restore hope is to develop projects that has sustainability for its future. This is an up hill task. MyNadi met various challenges in resolving many long standing issues. To all of us in MyNadi, that meant serious work and commitment. It is with full commitment, motivation and patience in listening, gathering, sourcing and implementing has MyNadi thus far achieve all that it begin. Immediate early results are not possible due to various factors and delays in the system. There are many areas which MyNadi has identified and will soon address and resolve.

MyNadi has played a vital role for the community by getting various government agencies to carry out their functions effectively. Networking, co-ordinating and monitoring all these matters are very challenging. MyNadi acts as the voice of the community in bringing out fundamental long outstanding matters and facilitates in mobilising resources towards solving these issues. MyNadi provides the community with a certain amount of care and attention that the Malaysian Indian community direly needs.